Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Final Countdown!

There are just 17 more days left until I set foot back on American soil.
I've been super busy but I wanted to update you all on the craziness that has been going on as
the deadline approaches.


In two days I'll finish my Cambridge CELTA (Certification of English Language Teaching for Adults)!  I've been taking this intensive course for 3 months now and it feels great that to finally be finishing tomorrow.

My TO DO list today:

1. Write up last Teaching Practice about Dreams and 2nd Conditional grammar
2. Finish all of my DF's for remaining 14 Units (this may take all day)
3. Do last online observation with write-up.

If I'm able to finish all of this before my friend Tatlihan's birthday party tonight then I'll work on editing some photos for my portfolio from the Seoul Fashion Week 2010 show. I had so many shots and video from that show that I never really got to editing them all.


I've gotten in touch with a professional photographer in Cedar Rapids (my hometown) through and will hopefully be able to work/intern/mentorship while in Iowa for the Summer. Wish me luck! It will be great to assist and observe a professional who's been in the business for years and can offer this padawan photographer some professional guidance as I work to become a Jedi photographer here in Istanbul.

I've also been in touch with a professional Commercial photographer based out of Iowa City but have yet to hear back from her. She runs a workshop on model photography which I think would be really beneficial. Her work is amazing and published in international magazines. I hope she'll have the time (and patience) to let me assist her or give some insight into the art of Commercial/Fashion/Glamour photography.I found her through

Some of you  may be wondering why I'm so hyped up about cameras and photography, especially when I shoot with just an iphone at the moment. After having my dSLR stolen in October I've felt a bit lost but will be coming home to a whole new photography setup thanks to my Mom and Mike for an x-mas gift.

This is why I wasn't able to get it all in the mail. It's 15kilos of equipment! I'll be using some equipment I haven't tried before such as filters and a mirror lens (ZOOM).  I can't wait to begin again. I've felt a bit lost since that October evening and this will be a breath of fresh air.

Before I go home in 2 weeks I need to get some type of Photography portfolio page up and running.
There are SO many options to choose from. I'm planning to shoot some horse show events once I'm home for a possible income. I've got  A LOT of work to do for this especially.


On Friday I'll be modeling for the first time. I volunteered to be the model for her life drawing study. I wanted to do this back in University but it never happened. It'll be interesting to see how people see me/draw me in the buff.  hmmm

Finally, I need to start cleaning up and packing up my room and suitcase. I definitely don't want to miss my flight like I did 2 years ago when i was supposed to go to Viet nam and Cambodio for a winter holiday but ended up staying home because I was late for the flight!  I want to be ready WELL before it's time.
I'll be leasing out my room while I'm gone so I must pack all of my belongings into a bag for storage while I'm gone.

These last two weeks I'll be working full time for ALTA doing 9 hour days teaching professionals English. This job will give me all the money I'll have for the 3 months I'm in Iowa unless I'm able to find work while I'm there. However, I'd like to spend a majority of the time with my family and friends, not working.

I'm looking for openings in University teaching positions in Istanbul. If any of you know of any such openings please let me know. My current employment is relaxed but I would like to have a steady, well-paying position that doesn't require 45hrs a week. When I return I'd like to join some photography workshops every now and then. They are usually held on weekdays here in Turkey (the English ones).

So...It's a busy week!  A lot is going on. I've got a BIG to do list before I hit the ground in Iowa and begin preparing for the horse photography project and all of the other things I have planned for when I go home. I can't wait to see the family again!

Stay tuned, I'll try to keep you all updated as often as possible with new photos, updates, and perhaps even a new professionally focused blog.

Be sure to visit my Facebook photography page for updates! 

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